The David Whitehead Foundation is about funding for charities who specialize in mental health and drug addiction awareness. Specifically, towards charities that provide both guidance and assistance for families that are struggling with loved ones embattled in these circumstances.
David Whitehead who lost his battle to mental health and drug addiction in July of 2019 was someone who had the biggest heart and care for others before his own well-being. He would go out of his way to help someone in need as evidenced through his social work, and involvement with local homeless shelters.
David possessed a charismatic attitude with a loving support network and could always bring a smile and a laugh to those around him. Sadly, during the final years of David’s life, he lost his way and suffered immensely with depression and CTE symptoms as he struggled to find purpose and his place in the world. The loss of David is a lesson to never stop fighting, even when the world seems dark and hopeless. Find strength to surround yourself with a network of those who can be supportive and assist in the battle and tribulations that mental health present, and above all, never let the fight within to stop fighting. This is what The David Whitehead Foundation will look to provide for those in need.
goal of the DW Foundation to support organizations that will directly impact families and communities that are fighting an uphill battle against mental illness and substance misuse. It is important to note, that as family, support networks, colleagues, and friends of those who fight unseen battles, we must continue to give strength and support, as well as never giving up on those in need. Let us continually look for alternative solutions, even if someone refuses to let you in.
Never stop loving, no matter how difficult it may seem, and when called upon, be there, as an ear, a shoulder to cry on, or just in physical presence. Provide love, empathy, and compassion through the most difficult of challenges.
Wishing all, love, peace, and strength. God Bless.
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